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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Fall of the IT Giants | Polymerize

The competition is too hard to give time for the computer industry to relax. An inappropriate decision can subvert the IT companies giant scale.

The IT industry is growing more quickly. This industry is formed by rapid technology changes anyway. Many IT companies that assemble the first device in the garage, quickly turned into big company worth billions of US Dollars income. However, a few years later they threatened bankruptcy. Large companies are lagging behind in terms of technology, ideas, and consumers will soon shrink or even knocked out without a trace.

The PC will be eliminated! This device already has no future and no growth and the profit generated. To that end, companies that rely on the sales of the PC must be careful, such as Hewlett-Packard and Packard as the largest PC manufacturer with annual sales of more than 100 billion US dollars. Former HP CEO Leo Apotheker, announced that HP would withdraw from the PC business. As a result, their shares fall. Aputheker look at the future of HP software, services, server to cloud, as well as selling required technology. With these statements, he eventually fired. Google, Microsoft, and Oracle that are better equipped with the cloud service, sweep it away. Currently, HP tried hard to minimize the losses against the sale of PCs.

Giant death has happened since IT the early development of the PC. Computers C64, Amiga, and Atari were once considered to be computer people. However, the device uses the processor Motorolla and not compatible with the PC architecture. The Commodore and Atari was reluctant to invest in faster hardware. When the Atari ST, Atari's success ended up trying to find other console model, but it still fails. The mid-90s, the Commodore and Atari into bankruptcy.

1990s, the INternet became popular as a new platform for the IT giants. It's also as well as their determination to continue to be successful or retreat. In the past few years alone, the number of servers \ connected grew from 5.2 million more be 7500. In this period, the fortunes of Netscape Communicators are determined. The company brushed away by Microsoft with the dominance of Windows. Finally, Netscape was bought by AOL in 1998 which is still a giant company. Currently, they are looking for new business models. Strategies for the success of AOL'S quite famous. Such use is connected to the INternet with special software offered through CDs and surfed through the portals of AOL. This method lasts long enough until the user switches to a DSL connection. In 2010, the writers who also hired some of US DOllar per hour to compose the writings of tullisan popular topics into a Content Farm in AOL'S great demand. With the optimization of Google, these writings often appear and provide new advertising revenue. AOL was not entered as a candidate for bankruptcy. So, you should not be surprised if circulated the news that AOL will be merged with Yahoo.

Patent holders IT companies now earn a great, e.g. Microsoft with copyright of Android. You should not be surprised if Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, and EMC CPTN Holdings founded the company in the past year. Patent owned by CPTN hold 882 Novell. Bertahannya giant IT is not determined from ownership of patent right, but on developing technologies and realization of new ideas quickly. Yahoo buys AltaVista's decision is unfortunate because just bought without knowing the things that must be done with the search engines and eventually closed down in May 2011

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